Monday, June 29, 2009

Food, Family, Faith... hmmmmm.

Why Bio-Intensive in Tofino?

Wikipedia states, "The biointensive method is an organic agricultural system which focuses on maximum yields from the minimum area of land, while simultaneously improving the soil. The goal of the method is long term sustainability on a closed system basis."

I like this definition as it pertains to life. Particularily the use of "maximum yields" from "minimum" resources. This gives me hope. Biologically, life is intensive. It's hard work. We work the ground to grow our own food. We work the food to get beautiful, delicious, nutricious meals. We work hard to raise our children so that they can give something better to the world around them. We work hard in our own lives so that we can cultivate something better to bless those around us while also benefitting ourselves and growing spiritually.

Tofino is not very generous to the average gardener. Our weather is never very warm or cold and we get a lot of rain. And I mean a lot of rain. Tofino is in a rain forest where the annual rainfall is often reported to be more than 3 metres (approx 10 feet)! Which means a lot of nutrient depletion in our soil. This is why we (read: mostly my husband, Gerry) have decided to try to implement this system of gardening. We like our food to be local and nutricious. If we were to try to stick some seeds into our clay, I mean soil, and ask it to grow, we would be lucky if anything were to come up or have any nutritional value. So we have created some raised beds with trucked in soil mixed with our own clay/soil and a bunch of other things we read would benefit our little vegetables, and dug about 2 feet down to make a lovely, loamy, light and fluffy soil. We have all been given strict instructions to not step in the garden so that the roots will happily grow long and soak up all the good vitamins we have added by digging in lots of seaweed from the beaches.

We have been delighted to discover many earthworms happily living in our gardens and little tiny baby weeds with 6 inches of roots! This is an interesting point, because the garden-center owner laughed at us when we said we were digging 2 feet down and asking us what in the world we planned to grow that would require such deep soil. We looked blankly back and decided to continue on with our "double digging" plans because somehow it just seemed right. This is where I must put in a big credit to my wonderful husband. He spent a lot of time double-digging the garden this year, while I spent my energies growing our 4th baby (due to be born anytime). So, simply put, we are delighted to begin seeing the benefits of our hard work.

Our family is growing. As mentioned, we are soon to meet baby number 4. We really enjoy our children whom we love to see develop into who they are meant to be. We feed them and nourish them and show them what we know to be right, and hope they will turn out to be great people. People who are free to be who they are and to bless others in that. In our mission to accomplish this, we feel that the best way to is to school them at home. Periodically we get glimpses that it is working out, so we continue on. Miss A. has just turned 9. Miss E. is 6, almost 7. Master S. is working his way to the terrific 2's and we eagerly anticipate Miss/Master ?????

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